Unbelievable things,facts or information about japan ~ FactoGlobe

Unbelievable things,facts or information about japan

Unbelievable Things That exist in Japan

Japan is famous in the world for its technology.When we visit Japan then we see a world that is completely different as compared to the rest of the world.There are many strange things happening in Japan which takes Japan 10 years in Future. 
In this post I will tell you about such things:


It is believe that in future in Japan,robots will be able to drive cars and fly planes.
Japan facts and info
Robots working in Japan

In Japan ROBOTS are working in many of the stores and markets.There are many schools in japan where there are Language ROBOTS who teach language such as ENGLISH to the students.
Japan facts and info
Robots as teachers

JAPAN has become very professional in the field of ROBOTS,rest of the world is far behind from JAPAN in this field.It is not wrong to say that JAPAN is an EMPIRE OF ROBOTS.


Bullet trains are present in most of the countries in the world but in Japan there is a complete network of BULLET TRAINS.2300 km railway track for bullet train is available in Japan.
Japan facts and info
Bullet trains

The average speed of bullet trains made by Japan is 320 km/hour.These trains take millions of people from one place to another in a year.Today people in Japan prefer BULLET TRAINS for travelling instead of airplanes.


In Japan,the system of TOILETS is so advanced that it may take few moments,hours or days to understand it.
Japan facts and info
Automatic toilets

They are fully automatic toilets.You can set the temperature of toilets by only pressing the buttons and even there are such toilets in JAPAN which can measure your blood pressure,weight,body fats and proteins.
Japan facts and info
Advanced toilets

We can say that it completely provides the facility of laboratory.


Nowadays in JAPAN,hotels don't need any waiters to take orders because there are TOUCH SCREEN MENU's present on customer's table where they can find all the variety of dishes,simply you have to select your favourite eatable while sitting or resting.
Japan facts and info
Touch screen menu's

There are touch screen maps on every road in JAPAN for drivers to know the route which makes JAPAN different from the world.


METRO SYSTEM of JAPAN is very advanced then the rest of the world.Underground railway systems are present in japan.
Japan facts and info
Public transportation

Only in tokyo there are 842 railway stations which are connected to each other.Shinjuku station is one of the most busiest station of the world.In this station,in a day 35 lac people are present for travelling.


When we talk about GAMING technology,then we must say that JAPAN is number one in the production of this technology.
Japan facts and info
Gaming in japan

We can say that Gaming is in their blood.For gaming,such technology is present which is not available anywhere else in world.After seeing or playing these games we feel that we are standing in a future world.All the games that you played in your childhood(SAGA games,super mario etc) were are all made by Japan.
Japan facts and info

Particularly vending machines are available in every country,in vending machines you put coins in it and get sweets,soda or chips
Japan facts and info
Vending machines
,but in JAPAN you can buy vegetables,fruits,milk,meat etc in just few seconds.In Japan,there are approximately 65 lac vending machines availabe for these purposes.

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