Pakistan Tahreek -e-Insaf(PTI) Government Economic steps(100 days) ~ FactoGlobe

Pakistan Tahreek -e-Insaf(PTI) Government Economic steps(100 days)

     Five Economic steps of Pakistan            Tahreeke-e-Insaf Government

The newly elected government has taken fee steps to uploft pakistan economy.

Increased trade with CHINA:

Pm imran khan's 4 days visit to china has brought prolific results to pakistan's economy.Both neighbours who like to call them "all weather" friends have linked 15 MOUs.China agreed to aid Pakistan in uplifting its exports. ,china agreed to upsurge its imports from Pakistan.It is now claimed  to raise the worth of import goods from 1.2 billion USD to 2.2 billion USD at the end of Pakistani's next financial year.

Pti first 100 days

Rural poverty alleviation plan and grants:
After getting enough demonstrations from an agriculture task force made by the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MNFSR),the government has devised a llan to boost the agriculture sector of pakistan.This plan is a part of 100 days agenda of the PTI's government.As per plan,82 billion PKR has been granted to the agriculture segment of economy.

Pti first 100 days

Saudi Arabia gives $6bn package to Pakistan:

Saudi Arabia,after several weeks of dialogues,has decided to deliver a package of 3 billion USD to pakistan.These monetary funds have been provided to assisst pakistan in resolving its economic crisis.This currency will help Pakistan in payment balance of Pakistan.The saudi officials have also affirmed the supply of another 3 billion USD as deferred payment for import of oil.

Pti first 100 days

Formation of council of business leaders by PM:

Another solid step taken by government of PTI to stable economy of Pakistan is the foundation of CBL (Council of Business  Leaders) by the prime minister of Pakistan.Pm imran khan is entitled as the chair person of the council while minister of commerce is designated as president of CBL.CBL has consisted of 22 members.The basic purpose of creation of CBL is to ensure is to ensure the execution of practices those are essential to promote trade of country and to solve theeconomic crisis and deficit problems of problemsnof the state.

Five Economic Steps of Pakistan Tahreek E Insaf Government 4
Pti first 100 days

UAE pledges $3bn to uplift Pakistan's foreign reserves:

UAE holds an important place in the strategic ties if pakistan with MUSLIM countries.Both states always cooperate in developing bulateral relations between them.UAE,now,declared to give 3 billion USD to Pakistan for uplifting its economy,to improve its liquidity and to enhance foreign reserves at the bank.The monetary aid will assisst in appreciating the Pakistani currency and in managing its deficit.

Five Economic Steps of Pakistan Tahreek E Insaf Government 4
Pti first 100 days

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